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Ocean S.T.E.A.M.™
Ocean Camp for Indigenous Youth
August 19-24, 2024 
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This program is for ocean-loving, marine-minded, adventure-seeking Indigenous youth living in Atlantic Canada. This camp provides Indigenous youth with an exceptional hands-on learning experience over 10-days split between The Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St., Andrews, NB and the LaHave Islands in Nova Scotia. Details provided here are associated directly with activities planned for the Huntsman Marine half of the program as Indigenous youth explore the Bay of Fundy seashores and its marine life.

Example Career Connections: Research Technician, Conservation Officer, Environmental Planner, Science Educator.

Schedule at a Glance
Narrative Schedule
Location Details
What to Bring
Course Instructor
Student Life

Schedule at a Glance

We aim to spend time each day in the field and in the lab or on tours. Field trips are a go “rain or shine.” The following schedule is provided as an inspirational guide, but we may have to juggle activities based on weather conditions for each day. The days are full, with one activity flowing into the next, and will include evening sessions.

Day 1
Arrival/settle-in. Introduction & orientation.

Day 2
Opening ceremony and smudging with members of the Peskotomuhkati Nation. Rocky intertidal biodiversity. R/V Fundy Spray field trip. Plankton lab. Intertidal biodiversity. Invertebrate classification.

Day 3
Muddy shore biodiversity. Huntsman Marine research presentation. Invertebrate classification lab. Tour of Fundy Discovery Aquarium. Echinoderm lab.

Day 4
Invasive species survey. Atlantic Reference Centre tour. Marine Protected Areas workshop. Seaweed lab. Invertebrate behaviour experiments with data analysis & presentation.

Day 5
Fishing activity. Zonation field trip. Introduction to fish form & function. Debris Free Fundy workshop.

Day 6
Presentations. Closing ceremony. Group photo. Wrap-up. 

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