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Fundy Discovery Aquarium

Fundy Discovery Aquarium
Ocean S.T.E.A.M.
High School Career Exploration and Interest Development
Ocean S.T.E.A.M.
High School Career Exploration and Interest Development


Recommendations for Visiting Scientist Applicants
Huntsman Ocean Park

…research parks are physical environments that can generate, attract and retain science and technology companies and talent in alignment with sponsoring research institutions that include, universities, as well as public, private and federal research laboratories. Research parks enable the flow of ideas between innovation generators such as, universities, federal labs, and non-profit R&D institutions and companies located in both the research park and the surrounding region.
Association of University Research Parks website (August 15, 2021)

Research parks drive innovation and economic development – through employment, corporate and individual tax revenue, and spin-off benefits – for its community, region and nation. Research parks provide critical physical space for start-up companies to scale while attracting established corporations to their synergistic benefits focused on a specific sector of the economy. Research parks also cultivate the local S.T.E.A.M. talent pipeline by inspiring high school graduates and serving as a magnet for immigration to a 21st century economy.
There has been considerable focus on the ocean economy in Canada over recent years and for good reason. Canada has the longest coastline in the world by far (> 200,000 km) and the fourth largest total ocean area within its jurisdiction. Our collective ocean economy contributes approximately CDN$36 billion annually to Canada’s gross domestic product while employing nearly 350,000 individuals. Fully 75% of this economic activity is located in Atlantic Canada.
Even with all of this economic output we still have tremendous opportunity to become global leaders in the ocean economy with staggering local growth potential. The Huntsman Marine Science Centre is stepping up to offer our ocean-focused assets…
…welcome to the Huntsman Ocean Park to develop this incredible opportunity in the ocean economy!
The Huntsman will leverage its global reputation to support innovation development and validation broadly in precision aquaculture, smart fishing, and ocean digitization by engaging companies to co-locate within the Huntsman Ocean Park through biotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing.
We are ideally positioned to develop such a cohesive Ocean Park given our:
long history to serve as a Contract Research Organization for an esteemed list of local Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to Multinational Corporations (MNCs) as these innovators seek out solutions to meet our greatest challenges and opportunities in the ocean economy;
considerable prime land holdings ready for commercial development with community support to do so;
research vessel to provide a safe platform for ocean access; and,
20-year ocean institutional lease to facilitate technology development through field deployment and testing
Each of these aspects may be explored further by clicking the puzzle pieces within the graphic below.

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