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Fundy Discovery Aquarium

Fundy Discovery Aquarium
Ocean S.T.E.A.M.
High School Career Exploration and Interest Development
Ocean S.T.E.A.M.
High School Career Exploration and Interest Development


Recommendations for Visiting Scientist Applicants
Aquatic Research Technician various positions
Are you an early career professional looking for an opportunity to gain incredible hands-on work experience within a globally recognized aquatic research setting?
The Huntsman Marine Science Centre is inviting applicants to submit their resume and cover letter to enter a pool for several new anticipated Aquatic Research Technician positions in the coming weeks. Recruitment is ongoing for technical positions in the following specific fields of interest (additional details related to activities for each may be provided following request):
Taxonomy & Biodiversity – Assist with field sampling (some SCUBA possible) and data collection in marine and freshwater environments, processing collected samples using set laboratory methods to sort and identify invertebrate taxa, and working directly with a range of laboratory equipment, such as stereo dissecting and compound microscopes, balances, etc.
Aquatic Toxicology – Provide full In Life Phase support for ongoing aquatic toxicology studies, including trial preparation, conducting exposures, ongoing husbandry and data collection, and quality checks with entry of collected data while working with a wide range of contaminants, aquatic species and life stages.
Salmonid and Marine Species Production – Provide full production from egg through to adults of salmonid and marine finfish species, including husbandry (feed, size grade, remove mortalities, complete necropsies and treat stocks), spawn adults (collect milt by catheter, strip eggs, fertilization; maintain records), and sampling events (anesthetize, measure, PIT tag and fin clip and harvest evaluation).
Candidates can expect to receive the following from employment at The Huntsman Marine Science Centre:
Diverse work activities to build your experience and resume
Competitive hourly wage commensurate with experience
Comprehensive benefits program including:
Health and dental care with limited personal Health Spending Account, to cover co-pay amounts or other non-traditional expenses
Enhanced paid vacation leave well beyond the required government minimum
Four additional annual paid holidays to complement the New Brunswick eight mandatory paid holidays
Membership to numerous tourist attractions throughout New Brunswick
Voluntary participation in company retirement pension plan
10 days paid annual sick leave
Participation in our Employee Ambassador Program associated with revenue sharing when surpassing annual target tourism numbers to the Fundy Discovery Aquarium
Opportunities for personal growth through training and Lunch-and-Learn programs
Limited number of single occupancy affordable shared housing units may be available for use on a first come-first serve basis
About The Huntsman Marine Science Centre:
The Huntsman Marine Science Centre is an independent not-for-profit and charity, located near the mouth of the Bay of Fundy in St Andrews, New Brunswick, with a mission focused on ocean research, education and outreach. Huntsman Marine was established in 1969 by a consortium of universities, government departments, and private interests to facilitate collaboration between these sectors as they pertain to the ocean economy. Huntsman research is completed by a team of about 30 professionals within our Aquatic Biosciences department (
Minimum Qualifications:
Relevant Bachelor degree or technical diploma or equivalent experience within the fields listed
Must be able to work in a production-focused laboratory setting, while being detail-oriented and efficient
Physical ability to perform assigned duties that may require work in adverse environmental conditions, carry or lift heavy materials, and work with toxic, volatile, and corrosive chemicals or carcinogenic substances
Ability to travel to other locations to complete sampling events
Proficiency in computer use, including spreadsheets, word processing and internet
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
Ability to legally work or obtain a Visa to work in Canada
Applications are now being accepted for consideration to fill various technical positions. Applicants should indicate current citizenship status and work permit status for employment in Canada. Although Canadians and permanent residents to Canada will be given priority, all qualified candidates will be given full consideration. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
Send single electronic submission, indicating the specific field of interest, inclusive of cover letter, resume and names of three references (including e-mail and telephone number) to:
HR Office
Huntsman Marine Science Centre
1 Lower Campus Road
St. Andrews, NB
E5B 2L7
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